Code of Professional Conduct
ITA members are committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct. As members, we are committed to protect the quality of the profession, promote the public’s welfare and preserve the public’s confidence. In accordance with those commitments, we agree to comply with applicable laws and statutes and exhibit an unswerving commitment to honorable behavior, even at the sacrifice of personal advantage. The following universal principles serve as a guide to all ITA members in our performance of our professional responsibilities and express the basic tenets of ethical and professional conduct.
One of our basic foundational values is to act with integrity. We define integrity as the quality from which the public trust is derived and the benchmark against which members must ultimately test all decisions. Members demonstrate integrity by acting openly and honestly and by observing ethical standards.
Acting with integrity is a commitment not to gain unfair advantage from the lack of knowledge, the inexperience or the inability of those who we serve. ITA members commit to treat all persons fairly and respectfully regardless of race, religion, gender, age, ability, sexual orientation or ethnicity.
Members agree to view events or persons objectively and to disclose all conflicts of interest, again not allowing personal gain or advantage to influence their judgment.
Competency is derived by mastering the profession’s common body of knowledge in the member’s chosen disciplines. Members ensure that their education and experience are adequate through their commitment to life-long learning and professional improvement.
Due Professional Care
Members act with due professional care to observe applicable technical standards and are diligent in planning, supervising and performing all activities for which they have assumed responsibility.
Members maintain and respect the confidentiality and privacy of information obtained through professional activities, disclosing information only when required to meet professional or legal obligations or where written consent has been granted by the disclosing party. Information that is identified as being confidential by the presenter at ITA meetings or functions may not be disseminated to the public, beyond ITA members, without the express written permission of the ITA, or used in any way for unethical or illegal advantage.