
Make Plans to join us now in Vancouver!     
SEE BELOW TO Register and BOOK YOUR room


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Expect a full agenda of sessions for our members and guests. The attendees are all leaders of the IT profession throughout the US and Canada, including IT Consultants and service providers, software publishers, Client Accounting Service (CAS) professionals plus the Internal Technology Leaders of most large CPA firms. We'll offer the same great sessions, great takeaways, and all-important networking time to meet new members and re-engage with ITA members you already know.  

Our outstanding Keynote Speakers are featured below.  More information about them is available by clicking on their names for websites and on the topic title for the their session description. 

The Agenda with topics and speakers is available by selecting the Agenda Button below.  Planning Committees are finalizing the Agenda, so check back here for session and speaker details.

Vancouver offers much to see and do!   Please use the Optional Events Button for information about those we chose as planned activities.  You can ADD Optional Events as you register OR later.

Register and make Room Reservations as soon as possible!  

We hope to see you there.   


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David Rendall 

Sunday Keynote


Mike Scott

Monday Keynote


The Freak Factor: Discovering Uniqueness By Flaunting


Three Keys To Always  Get  What You Pay For



Meeting Overview

Saturday, April 22
Optional Dinner Event

Sunday, April 23
2 Optional Half-Day Event(s) - AM Start
General Session
Welcome Reception
Dinner – On Your Own

Monday, April 24
All Day Meeting
Evening Dinner & Party

Tuesday, Apil 25
Optional Fun Run
All Day Meeting & Collaborative Adjournment
Optional Evening Dinner Event

Wednesday, April 26
ITA Leadership Alliance (ILA) – Start for 2023-2024 Class


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Questions about Hotel Reservations: patti.hanewall@italliance.com
Questions about Registration:  ita@italliance.com