Three (3) attendees are prepaid for ITL Summer meeting with your annual Membership Dues. After the 3 prepaid attendees, a firm can register others for a registration fee. The registration fee for Additional Attendees is the standard fee of $1150. All attendees must be listed with ITA in your firm's profile. See below for instructions.
The Registration Button below will take you to the Shopping Cart after you login it to the ITA Website with your email address and password. You can request a password reset if you need to.
You can register as an Individual or as a Group. Each person can register as an Individual. If there is more than one person attending from your firm, we recommend that one person registers all firm attendees at one time as a Group.
If you are registering more than your 3 prepaid attendees, register them first and proceed through the Shopping Cart. Then start over and register the “for fee” Additional Attendees.
Registered individuals may bring Guests for $300 which entitles them to all meals and evening parties. To do this, registered individuals should:
- Login in to the ITA Website
- Navigate to My ITA > My Events > Add Guests
- Proceed through the shopping cart
- Don't have a login? On the ITA Website login page, select the New Visitor Registration link and follow the prompts.
Individuals must be listed in your ITA Profile with your firm. If you are the firm's Primary Contact, you can check to see who is listed and make additions/modifications:
- Login to ITA Website
- Navigate to My ITA > My Information > Organization Information > Click on your company name
- Choose Manage Org Individuals tab. Here you will see a list of all the individuals linked to your organization.
- If you need to add individuals, choose the Add Individuals link.
That should do it! For questions: Click Here

Click Here for More Details on these ITA Meeting Policies
Cancellation / Substitution Policy
Cancellations will be honored up to 7 days prior to the event with no obligation. Substitutions within the same company will be honored. After 7 days, there will be no refunds.
Waiver and Indemnification Policy